
Download all of Malware-Traffic-Analysis.net PCAPs

Download PCAPs from www.malware-traffic-analysis.net
http://www.malware-traffic-analysis.net/ is an excellent resource that a lot of people in the infosec community use. Hats off to @malware_traffic for creating a valuable resource for the community.

I have always wanted to download all the PCAPs from the site to run locally for different purposes. The PCAPs are useful for a variety of reasons. Including using to replay/re-run in order to check your IPS and/or IDS, passive dns implementation, collecting more malware samples, training exercises, etc..

So I wrote a python script last night to do that. I was going to release the script online, but I thought "wellp if a good amount of people run this script than it will cause a lot of unnecessary traffic to Brad's (@mawlare_traffic) site".
Instead of releasing the script I decided to just create a GitHub repo and upload all the PCAPs there.

Just run the following command to download all of the PCAPs.
git clone https://github.com/neu5ron/malware-traffic-analysis-pcaps.git

If anyone has any comments, expletives, or any other feedback then please comment.

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